Student Loan Problems
Student Loan Problems have become an issue for many American families because in today’s educational environment, financial assistance is often seen as a necessity. At the time Student Loans are committed to, it is assumed that funds will be available to make the payments when they come to maturity years later.
But increasingly the funds are not available and families are forced to watch their Student Loans become delinquent.
What most families don’t realize is that the United States Internal Revenue Service is the eventual Collection Agent for delinquent federally guaranteed Student Loans and that they have been granted special powers that bypass the normal legal process. For example, they are empowered to levy bank accounts, withhold tax refunds, place liens on personal and real property and garnish wages all without due process in the courts.
Cornerstone Financial Counselors can assist people with delinquent Student Loans but the process must be started before the loans are referred to the IRS. Therefore we urge you to apply below for a FREE assessment as soon as possible if you have delinquent Student Loans.