Self Help Publications
The following financial help e-publications are available at a modest cost as indicated below. Proceeds from their sale are used to help defray the operating costs of the Ministry so we can keep our service fees as low as possible.
Please review the following list of titles and descriptions. To make a purchase call the Home Office toll free at 1-800-357-4223. Your order will be taken and the publication e-mailed to you within a few minutes.
How To Restore Your Own Credit Reports And Significantly Improve Your Credit Rating $25
This manual of approximately 120 pages is one of the most complete works ever published on the subject of credit restoration. It was especially designed for people who want to perform their own credit repair work instead of hiring an expensive credit repair clinic. It contains all of the information, along with professional example letters, that you will need to carry out your own program.
Budgeting Guidelines – How to Prepare and Use a Family Budget $20
This report is a compact 14 pages of practical information covering the benefits of budgeting, some basic financial principles to consider for an effective budget, and a discussion of ways to reduce spending. An example Family Budget form is provided for the reader’s use.
Facts You Should Know About Credit Repair $10
A highly informative report providing answers to all the questions people are asking about Credit Repair such as: is Credit Repair immoral, how to interpret and use credit reports, how to understand credit scoring and many other frequently asked questions on this important subject.
Fundamentals of Credit Restoration $6.95
This is a basic report that discusses: what credit restoration really is, the basic concepts involved in correcting the credit bureaus, what accelerated debt repayment is and how you can use it to get out of debt once and for all, the facts about Debt Consolidation, and how to use Debt Settlement Negotiation to improve your credit reports.
Straight Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Credit Restoration $4.95
An abbreviated summary of other publications that answers why the term credit repair has such a negative connotation, why many people consider credit repair to be immoral and why you need to overcome such a negative perspective and other common questions and answers on the subject of credit repair.
How to Work With Creditors $5.95
This report will help the reader to prepare for the unpleasant task of contacting their creditors when some problem arises. Most of us are simply intimidated by the thought of contacting our creditors but if you know what you’re doing, you can turn an unpleasant task to your advantage. Get the upper hand by preparing for the encounter and by knowing your rights.